Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Smash poetry.


Change change change.
It's happening a lot. There's a lot of change that's happened, is happening, will happen.
It's not something that can be put into simple words. Everything is different, I have to figure out whether in a good way or bad. These last couple weeks have been just... weird. I'm just done. I don't want any of this drama, any of this heartbreak, the crap talking and heart breaking. It's too much.
I don't like this change. Though, I think I need it. It's something like 13 days (School days) until school is out for the summer.
Why I don't want it to come:
Heather leaving for Yuma for the latter part of the summer.
Shay going to college.
No Iowa.
The hotness.

Why I want it to come:
Spending time with friends!
LAKE! (With Brit:D)
Allison maybe coming!!
Going to Tucson, seeing family<3
School shopping.
No school
Being a Sophmore!

This play, no matter how much I objected to it in the beginning, has become a big part of my life lately, and it's so weird. But I love almost all of the cast. That's weird too.
I've been procrastinating a lot lately, it's really not good. I hate how I do that, slacking off in bio.
nkl;k;gersg I should probably go do homework.
I'll try and post more frequently.
