Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yeah, Like everyone else.

One. I love dirt biking. Or quadding. From like 6-8th grade, I was bomb at it, and I loved it. It took my stress away and the adrenaline is fantastic. I really want to get back into it.

Two. I love school. I love learning, knowing things, and being able to know them. The though that I have the ability to learn fascinates me.

Three. I've never kissed a boy. Not really anyway. It's weird, I think I would have by now, but I haven't. It's not that I've avoided it, it just never happens. Which leads to-

Four. I've never had like a real boyfriend. Sure the whole 6th grade crushes- "oh see that boy on the other side of the playground? Yeah, he's my 'boyfriend.' " Now that I think about it, I really want one. But I guess all they are is trouble.

Five. Up until 8th grade, I had never, not once, gotten below a B. Never. 8th grade, I got the worst grades I had ever gotten- a C- and a D+, and it was in algebra. I think I'm math dyslexic. I suck at it.

Six. One of my favorite things to do is read, and I don't really care at all if I'm made fun of for it. I love it so much, it could make me puke. Love it.

Seven. In the last 2 years, during a school week- I haven't gone to bed before 10. Not once.

Eight. I hate soda. No matter how much I drink it, even if I like it then, I hate it. It makes me feel sick. It's too sweet.

Nine. I was vegetarian for 3 months. I know I could have gone longer, but I just wanted to see what it was like, and it really wasn't that hard. Soon, I'm hoping to do it again. And all for the right reasons.

Ten. I actually really like sports, but I'm not really that good. If I practiced I could be, but I don't.

Eleven. As a Freshman, I have the lead part in the fall play, and it's freaking hard. I'm really not that good of an actress, but I love it.

Twelve. I always have to have a best friend, even if I have more than one, which happens more commonly than I would like.

Thirteen. I never can love more than one person all the same. It's never fair to me, but I love more than my heart can handle.

Fourteen. I shop at all the stores everyone else does. Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aero, But I also have my very own style. I make it my own. :]

Fifteen. I'm a clean freak. My room will be a mess, and I can clean it spotless in less than 25 minutes. I love organizing- it's weird. I have a knack for knowing where things should go.

Sixteen. I really don't like watching T.V. much. It kind of annoys me, all except the office and Grey's. And, like every parent, mine used to tell me if I watched it too much, my brain would turn to mush. I actually believed them until I was like nine.

Seventeen. I'm told often I act much more mature than my age. Which, to me, I take as a good thing. I like being able to connect with people older than me, though I'm much younger. So I'm told.

Eighteen. I've fallen in love with blogging, and it takes up way too much of my time. I love telling about my dull life, even if no one's listening.

Nineteen. I'm a really good speller. When I was in 6th grade, my sister was a Freshman (even now) and she would ask me how to spell things. It's been going on for years. I just know the sounds, and if I see a word that's spelled weird, I remember it for exactly that reason.

Twenty. When I believe in something, I'll fight for it if someone disagrees. I'm very strong about my opinions.

Twenty one. (Refer to number nine.) I have to know where people belong in my life. They have to have a spot and I have to know exactly what I need them for. Even if it's just for loving them.

Twenty two. I don't really use people. Not for my convenience. I love being able to rely on people, even if I can't. I do anyway.

more to commmeee.


Heather. said...

you have a pretty mind.

and yes, let's do go back to being best friends. I'm sorry that everything has been so awful.

i love you.

Cassidi Marie said...

Once upon a time, there was a doll.
And I loved everything about her, that she hasn't kissed a boy, that she loves reading [just like me], that she is a good speller [just like me], that she has that amazing Marilyn Monroe quote on her blog [which is about to be on mine as well.
Kara, I adore you. Please don't ever let anyone change you?
Your Kitty.